SilverStone CPL02-E Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

8-in-1 addressable RGB hub

Supports up to 8 addressable RGB light strips or devices.
Compatible with addressable RGB controller or supported motherboard.
Supports light strips up to 5V 9A

Place CPL02-E in a location of your choice

Connect addressable RGB devices to the CPL02-E

Установите CPL02-E в выбранное вами место




원하는 위치에 CPL02-E를 놓습니다


CPL02-E an einem Ort Ihrer Wahl platzieren

Placez le CPL02-E dans l'emplacement de votre choix

Coloque el CPL02-E en un lugar de su elección

Collocare il CPL02-E nel punto prescelto

ใส่ CPL02-E ในตำแหน่งที่คุณต้องการ



Connectez des périphériques RVB adressables au CPL02-E

連接所欲接之可編程 RGB LED 裝置

Conecte los dispositivos RGB programables al CPL02-E

连接所欲接之可编程 RGB LED 装置

Collegare i dispositivi RGB indirizzabili al CPL02-E


Adressierbare RGB-Geräte mit CPL02-E verbinden

Подключите устройства с адресной RGB подсветкой к CPL02-E

เชื่อมต่ออุปกรณ์ RGB ที่สามารถปรับค่าได้เข้ากับ CPL02-E

어 드 레 서 블   R G B   장 치 를   C P L 0 2 - E 에   연결합니다


A: いいえ、CPL02-EはRGB信号と電源を全てのアドレッサブルRGB出力に分配す


Q2: CPL02-Eはハブとしては通常の物より大きいですが、なぜですか?  

A: CPL02-Eは単に信号や電源を分配するのみならず、信号出力を増幅し電源を


Q3: 出力はなぜ2つに分配された4.5Aチャネルのみに限られているのですか?

A:一方のチャネルはSATA 12Vから5Vに変圧器で変換され、他方のチャネルはSATA 


Q4: デイジーチェーン接続された最後のライトストリップが点灯しません。


A: お持ちの信号ソース(例:マザーボード)で対応可能なライト装置の最大数




Q1: 개별적으로 각 LED 스트립의 동작이 가능합니까?

A: 아니오, CPL02-E는 RGB 신호와 전원을 분배하도록 설계되었으며 따라서 

CPL02를 통한 모든 어드레서블 RGB 출력은 개별적이 아닌, 동시에 동작이 


Q2: 단지 허브 역할을 하는 일반적인 제품보다 더 큰 이유는 무엇인가요?  

A: CPL02-E단순히 신호와 전원을 분배하는 것 이상의 기능을 수행하며, 신호 

출력의 증폭과 전압의 안정화를 돕는 추가 구성요소를 갖습니다. 

Q3: 출력이 개별 4.5A의 2개 채널로 제한되는 이유는 무엇입니까?

A: 한 채널이 전압 컨버터를 통해 SATA 12V에서 5V로 변환되는 반면에, 다른 

채널은 SATA 5V에서 직접 제공되기 때문입니다. 

Q4: 데이지 체인 방식으로 연결된 마지막 라이트 스트립이 켜지지 

않는 이유는 무엇입니까?

A: 신호 소스(예, 마더보드)가 지원 가능한 라이트의 최대 개수를 체크하여 

주십시오. CPL02-E는 신호를 분배할 뿐이지, 지원되는 라이트의 개수를 

늘리지는 못합니다. 다수의 라이트 스트립을 연결할 경우, CPL02-E의 8개의 

출력 포트 전부에 균등하게 연결하는 것을 추천합니다. 

D1: È possibile azionare ogni striscia LED singolarmente?

R: No, il CPL02-E è progettato per suddividere il segnale RGB 

e la potenza in modo che tutta l'uscita RGB indirizzabile 

attraverso di essa possa funzionare solo contemporaneamente, 

non individualmente.

D2: Perché il CPL02-E è più grande dei soliti hub?  

R: Il CPL02-E non si limita a suddividere segnali e potenza,


ma ha anche componenti aggiuntivi che consentono di amplificare 

l'uscita del segnale e stabilizzare la tensione.

D3: Perché l'uscita è limitata a due canali a 4,5 A separati?

R: Un canale proviene da SATA a 12 V convertito a 5 V tramite


convertitore di tensione, mentre l'altro canale arriva direttamente


da SATA a 5 V. 

D4: Perché l'ultima striscia luminosa sul collegamento a catena 

non si accende?

R: Controllare il numero massimo di elementi luminosi che


possono essere supportati dalla sorgente del segnale (ad esempio, 

scheda madre). Il CPL02-E è in grado di distribuire il segnale, 

non di aumentare il numero di elementi luminosi supportati. 

Se è necessario collegare un gran numero di strisce luminosee, 

si consiglia di collegarle in modo uniforme a tutte e otto le porte 

di uscita sul CPL02-E.

Q1: สามารถสั่งการเฉพาะแถบ LED แต่ละอันได้หรือไม่

ตอบ: ไม่ได้ CPL02-E ได้รับการออกแบบเพื่อแยกสัญญาณ RGB 

และพลังงาน เพื่อให้สามารถสั่งการเอาต์พุต RGB ที่สามารถปรับค่า

ได้ทั้งหมดพร้อมกัน ไม่ใช่ทีละอัน
Q2: ทำไม CPL02-E ที่เป็นแค่ฮับจึงมีขนาดใหญ่กว่าปกติ  

ตอบ: CPL02-E มีหน้าที่มากกว่าเพียงการแยกสัญญาณและพลังงาน 


Q3: ทำไมเอาต์พุตจึงจำกัดอยู่ที่เพียงแชนเชนล 4.5A 2 แชนเนล

ตอบ: หนึ่งแชนเนลมาจาก SATA 12V ที่ถูกแปลงไปเป็น 5V 

ผ่านตัวแปลงแรงดันไฟฟ้า ในขณะที่อีกแชนเนลหนึ่งมาจาก SATA 5V 

Q4: ทำไมแถบแสงสุดท้ายบนเดซี่-เชนไม่สว่างขึ้น

ตอบ: โปรดตรวจสอบจำนวนมากที่สุดขององค์ประกอบแสงที่ได้รับก

ารสนับสนุนโดยแหล่งสัญญาณของคุณ (เช่น เมนบอร์ด) CPL02-E 

มีความสามารถเพียงการกระจายสัญญาณ ไม่ได้เพิ่มจำนวนขององค์ป

ระกอบแสงที่สนับสนุน ถ้าคุณต้องการเชื่อมต่อแถบแสงจำนวนมากขึ้น

เราแนะนำให้คุณเชื่อมต่อแถบแสงเข้ากับพอร์ตเอาต์พุตทั้ง 8 พอร์ตบน 

CPL02-E อย่างสม่ำเสมอ






























Please refer to SilverStone website for latest specifications updates.

Warranty Information

This product has a limited 1 year warranty in North America and Australia.  

For information on warranty periods in other regions, please contact your reseller or SilverStone authorized distributor.



Additional info & contacts

For North America

 ([email protected])

SilverStone Technology in North America may repair or replace defective product with refurbished product that is not new but has been functionally tested. Replacement product will be warranted 

for remainder of the warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer.  All products should be sent back to the place of purchase if it is within 30 days of purchase, after 30 days, customers 

need to initiate RMA procedure with SilverStone Technology 

in USA by first downloading the “USA RMA form for end-users” form from the below link and follow its instructions.

For Australia only 

([email protected])

Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. 

You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. 

You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. 

Please refer to above “Warranty terms & conditions” for further warranty details. 

SilverStone Technology Co., Ltd. 12F No. 168 Jiankang Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235 Taiwan R.O.C. + 886-2-8228-1238 (standard international call charges apply)

For Europe ([email protected])

For China ([email protected])

For all other regions ([email protected])

1. Product component defects or damages resulted from defective production is covered under warranty.  Defects or damages with the following conditions will be fixed or replaced under SilverStone 

    Technology’s jurisdiction.

a) Usage in accordance with instructions provided in this manual, with no misuse, overuse, or other inappropriate actions.

b) Damage not caused by natural disaster (thunder, fire, earthquake, flood, salt, wind, insect, animals, etc…)

c) Product is not disassembled, modified, or fixed.  Components not disassembled or replaced.

d) Warranty mark/stickers are not removed or broken.

    Loss or damages resulted from conditions other than ones listed above are not covered under warranty.

2. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology’s maximum liability is limited to the current market value for the product (depreciated value, excluding shipping, handling, and other fees).  SilverStone


    Technology is not responsible for other damages or loss associated with the use of product.

3. Under warranty, SilverStone Technology is obligated to repair or replace its defective products.  Under no circumstances will SilverStone Technology be liable for damages in connection with the



  sale, purchase, or use including but not limited to loss of data, loss of business, loss of profits, loss of use of the product or incidental or consequential damage whether or not foreseeable and 

    whether or not based on breach of warranty, contract or negligence, even if SilverStone Technology has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

4. Warranty covers only the original purchaser through authorized SilverStone distributors and resellers and is not transferable to a second hand purchaser.

5. You must provide sales receipt or invoice with clear indication of purchase date to determine warranty eligibility.

6. If a problem develops during the warranty period, please contact your retailer/reseller/SilverStone authorized distributors or SilverStone

    Please note that: (i) You must provide proof of original purchase of the product by a dated itemized receipt; (ii) You shall bear the cost of shipping (or otherwise transporting) the product to



  SilverStone authorized distributors. SilverStone authorized distributors will bear the cost of shipping (or otherwise transporting) the product back to you after completing the warranty service; 

    (iii) Before you send the product, you must be issued a Return Merchandise Authorization (“RMA”) number from SilverStone. Updated warranty information will be posted on SilverStone’s official website. 

    Please visit

 for the latest updates.

Warranty terms & conditions





Standard ARGB connector 1



Standard ARGB connector 2
