RS9116 CC0 Connectivity Module Datasheet v1.0.10, December 2021
| Building a more connected world.
Rev 1.0.10
| Page
GPIO Based Wakeup: Exit sleep state when GPIO goes High/Low based on programmed polarity.
Analog Comparator Based wakeup
– Exit sleep state on an event at the analog comparator.
RTC Timer wakeup
– Exit Sleep state on timeout of RTC timer
WatchDog Interrupt based wakeup - Exit Sleep state upon watchdog interrupt timeout.
ULP mode is not supported in the USB interface mode.
In Deep Sleep mode, all the power supply pins except VBATT can be powered-off.
LP Mode
In Low Power mode, Network processor maintains system state and gate all internal high frequency clocks. But host
interface is ready to accept any command from host controller.
The LP mode supports the following wake-up options:
Host Request
– Exit sleep state on a command from HOST controller. Whenever a command from the host is
received, the processor serves the request with minimum latency and the clock is gated immediately after the
completion of the operation to reduce power consumption
GPIO based wakeup - Wakeup can be initiated through a GPIO pin
Timeout wakeup
– Exit sleep state after the programmed timeout value
4.2.10 Memory On-chip Memory
The ThreadArch® processor has the following memory:
On-chip SRAM for the wireless stack.
512Kbytes of ROM which holds the Secure primary bootloader, Network Stack, Wireless stacks and security
16Kbytes of Instruction cache enabling eXecute In Place (XIP) with quad SPI flash memory.
eFuse of 512 bytes (used to store primary boot configuration, security and calibration parameters) Serial Flash
The RS9116 utilizes a serial Flash to store processor instructions and other data. The SPI Flash Controller is a 1/2/4-
wired interface for serial access of data from Flash. It can be used in either Single, Dual or Quad modes. Instructions
are read using the Direct Fetch mode while data transfers use the Indirect Access mode. The SPI Flash Controller in
RS9116 has been designed with programmable options for most of the single and multi-bit operations. RS9116 CC0
module has 4 Mbytes internal flash memory.