QSG145: WGM110 SLEXP4320 Wi-Fi
Expansion Kit
Quick-Start Guide
The WGM110 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit is an excellent way to get star-
ted with Wi-Fi connectivity for Silicon Labs MCUs.
The kit contains an expansion board that can be connected to one of 3 MCU starter-kits,
listed below. The expansion board allows the EFM32 MCU to connect to a WGM110 Wi-
Fi module, which can connect to Wi-Fi networks, but also be an access point to which
other devices can connect. The expansion kit works with the following Silicon Labs MCU
Starter kits:
• EFM32 Pearl Gecko PG12 Starter Kit – SLSTK3402A
• EFM32 Pearl Gecko PG1 Starter Kit – SLSTK3401A
• EFM32 Giant Gecko GG11 Starter Kit – SLSTK3701A
• Expansion board with radio board socket
• WGM110 radio board
• Getting Started card
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 0.1