The IntelliKnight
IP Communicators and an Ethernet connection simply replace the telephone lines as the
primary communications path to the central station. It connects to customer supplied network equipment with a
gateway to the Internet. The communicators provide supervised telephone line voltage to both panel DACT
ports. Upon network communication loss, telephone line voltage is dropped to the panel and panel reports
communication loss trouble. The communicators monitor the connectivity to both the primary and secondary
receiver at the central station. For more information about this panel and other Silent Knight products please call
IP Fire Alarm Communicators
The new IntelliKnight® SK-IP-2 and SK-IP-2UD are IP communi-
cators, UL listed for monitoring of Silent Knight fire alarm
panels.(See compatibility table) The SK-IP-2 has two supervised
inputs, and two additional outputs.The SK-IP-2UD version 6.0 adds
a modem daughter board (2UD) that supports upload/download
over the Internet or a customer's Intranet for IntelliKnight models
5820XL and 5808 FACP’s. These IP Communicators are UL 864
listed for signaling under Other Transmission Technologies and
comply with NFPA 72 requirements. Refer to the IP Communicator
Series Installation Document PN 53109 for more information.
Both models connect to the primary and secondary communication
ports of the panel's DACT, converting the analog signals into digital
signals at the panel for transmission to a compatible Teldat
VisorALARM PLUS IP receiver at a central station. The panel
operates normally during an alarm, supervisory or trouble event
and sends contact-ID formatted analog information out of the
telephone ports to the IP Communicator. The IP Communicator
reformats the data into highly encrypted Ethernet UDP packets for
transmission to a compatible receiver at the central station. This
new listing only requires an IP connection. No backup analog
phone line is necessary.
Designed to work with compatible Contact ID DACT-equipped
addressable panels from Silent Knight, the IP Communicators
allow for faster and more economic digital alarm transmissions,
improving response times and decreasing costs found with
traditional analog systems. They offer value-added features such
as supervised line functionality, where a central station can detect
any off-line alarm panels within seconds. On the central station
side, a compatible VisorALARM® Plus IP receiver from the Teldat
Corporation allows seamless integration into existing conventional
central station architectures.
The benefit of an IP Communicator is that it is always on,
increasing the security and supervision of the central station
connection from once every 24 hours for a supervisory test signal
to once every 30 - 90 seconds.
The SK-IP-2UD allows a programmer to upload and download data
between the user's PC and either the IntelliKnight 5808 or 5820XL
addressable FACP. The panel and PC can be anywhere on the
world wide web or within a corporate intranet.
The user’s computer runs a program called UDPORT.exe to
capture the modem signals from or the newer PS-TOOLS panel
programming software. In UDPORT.exe the user enters the main
IP address of the
VisorALARM receiver, the UDP port to use, username,
and password Instead of using the PC’s modem, this
process communicates between the SK-IP-2UD’s
modem at the panel and the panel’s own modem.
While speed is still limited to the baud rate of the
panel's modem, panel communications are now 100%
digital over IP from the remote program PC all the way
to the remote panel installation. This eliminates any
dropouts in modem communications caused by noise
or other factors. If an alarm should occur during upload
or download, the panel is able to interrupt modem
communications immediately and transmit the alarm to
the central station.
Each SK-IP-2UD is registered in the VisorALARM
Receiver with a unique serial number. A subscriber
number must be entered into the subscriber number
database field for each SK-IP-2UD. This same number
is entered into the subscriber telephone number field
(panel to call) in PK-PLUS or PS-TOOLS as if calling
the panel on a telephone. If these numbers match, and
the master username and password are correct, full
duplex communication is permitted to the panel.
UL 864 Ninth Edition prohibits downloading
a panel without entering a local panel password.
Uploading is permitted at any time without
entering a password.
IP Communicator