General Information
Date: 12.10.2018
Art. No. 88734
Mod. status 330/18
Page 4 of 51
General Information
The following documents are associated with this product:
Data sheet; it describes the technical data, the dimensions, the pin assignment, the
accessories and the order key.
Mounting instructions; they describe the mechanical and electrical installation with all
safety-relevant conditions and the associated technical specifications.
User manual; for commissioning the sensor and integrating it into a fieldbus system.
EDS file (electronic data sheet); this file enables integration and configuration in a
CANopen network by means of commercial CANopen configurators.
These documents can also be found at
Decimal values are given as numbers without addition (e.g. 1234), except when indicated in
direct connection with binary or hexadecimal values in which case the extension d will be
used (e.g. 1234d). Binary values are identified by adding b (e.g. 1011b) to the figures
whereas hexadecimal values are extended by h (e.g. 280h).
Intended use
The sensor collects the distance information of the coded MBA501 magnetic tape. By means
of the CANopen protocol, the sensor can be configured and read out via the CAN interface. For
instance, a superordinate control unit can read the absolute position value with a resolution
of 10 μm (or 5 μm, resp.).
On the upper side of the sensor there are 3 LEDs (yellow, red, green), which indicate error or
status information for diagnostic purposes.
If the sensor is lifted from the tape, an error will be detected and 0 will be output as the
position value and the yellow LED will flash 1x.
Switching on the supply voltage
MSA501 initializes after being switched on. During initialization, the LEDs light up one after
the other and the configuration parameters are loaded from the non-volatile memory to the
random memory of the controller.