Date: 24.08.2020
Art. No. 89992
Mod. status 133/20
Page 30 of 79
see page
0049h: Active LCD Backlight Flashing Flashing of the LCD backlight
004Ah: Active LCD Backlight White
LCD backlight white
004Bh: Active LCD Backlight Red
LCD backlight red
Device type number
0062h: Software Version Application Software version of the device
Serial number
Production date
Error counter
Error memory 1
Error memory 2
Error memory 3
Error memory 4
Error memory 5
Error memory 6
Error memory 7
Error memory 8
Error memory 9
Error memory 10
Traversing speed monitoring
Difference value between actual value
and target value. Depending on the
mode (Difference Value Mode)
Battery voltage
Operating voltage
00E0h: Message Control Timeout
Network communication monitoring
Network module configuration
00FFh: System Command
System command
Table 21: Parameter description
When the hollow shaft sensor is used, this parameter determines the number of measurement
steps per revolution (display/revolution = APU). When the MS500H magnetic sensor is used,
the resolution is in unit nm (nanometer).
For example, the setting 10000 at MS500H corresponds to a resolution of 1/100 mm (1
measuring step = 10 µm or 10000 nm).