Important notes on pressure fluctuations
It is completely normal that the pressure is not constant from the start. In the event of
changes to the pressure in the measurement device, it always lasts a few minutes until the
pressure stabilises.
This is influenced by a variety of factors. The most important influence factors are:
Poor ventilation:
If there is still air in the measurement device, the pressure build-up lasts significantly
longer. Moreover, there is a fall-off in pressure over a limited period due to diffusion pro-
Mechanical characteristics of the pressure hose:
Bending or rolling up the pressure hose causes a reduction in the volume and thus leads
to an increase in pressure.
At high pressure, the pressure hose extends. Furthermore, enclosed air can be diffused
through the pressure hose. In both cases, a drop in pressure results.
Temperature influence:
Temperature changes lead to a change in volume in the measurement device and there-
fore to changes in pressure. The smaller the volume is, the greater the change in pres-
Settling times of reference and test sample:
Observe the required waiting times after the reference and test sample have been
switched on. More information on this can be found in the corresponding operating man-