Instruction Manual PhaseGuard C/ T/ HT
Instrument description
Residual risk
During operation with hot or dangerous media, the possibility of leakage cannot be
completely excluded.
Contact with the medium may lead to burns, caustic irritations or poisoning with lethal con-
The operator is responsible for using the instrument for this purpose.
The operator must ensure that additional protection measures such as safety clothing
and similar items are available and are put to use.
To avoid faulty measurement values as much as possible, the maintenance duties
must be carried out according to the servicing schedule.
Evaluate digital output warnings and error messages to recognize them.
Warning and danger symbols on the
There are no warning or danger symbols on the PhaseGuard.
Users must ensure that they observe the safety measures as specified in the Instruction Man-
ual when working with the photometer and its peripheral equipment at all times.
Important to note:
Observe local safety pointers when performing the described procedures.