Possible causes
Unit, backlight or display
unexpectedly switched off
Battery empty
Replace battery
Menu settings incorrect
Adjust the auto off menu’s
Unit always enters service
mode when switched on
Firmware damaged
Perform a firmware upgrade as described in this
manual. If the problem remains please consult
your sales partner.
Out of Range
Wrong unit selection
Select a unit that fits better to the current flow.
Forgot Password
Contact the factory or distributor
Please consult your sales partner
Totalizer shows 9999999
Overflow totalizer units
Select a different unit (try m3n or kg)
Disfunction alarm contacts
An external magnet can unintentionally
influence the alarm contacts
Please remove the interfering magnet
Touch display does not
work properly
Calibration issue with touch screen
Apply calibration procedure for touch screen.
If you need any support please
contact Sierra’ Customer Service team at
Pressure Loss
The following figures show examples of the pressure drop of a
instrument only, not the valve)
Please note that the curves below are as an indicator only and based on atmopheric outlet
pressure. Especially when the outlet is under vacuum, the pressure drop can be higher.
Heavier gasses like Argon will greate more pressure drop, lighter gasses like helium will create
less pressure drop.