Rev 1 Dec.12
Proprietary and Confidential - Contents subject to change
4: Regulatory Compliance and Industry
This module is designed to meet, and upon commercial release, will
meet the requirements of the following regulatory bodies and
regulations, where applicable:
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States
The Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada
The National Communications Commission (NCC) of Taiwan,
Republic of China
Upon commercial release, the following industry certifications will
have been obtained, where applicable:
GCF-CC (For Verizon 2G / 3G approval)
Additional certifications may be obtained upon customer request —
contact your Sierra Wireless account representative for details.
Additional testing and certification may be required for the end
product with an embedded EM7655 modem and are the
responsibility of the
. Sierra Wireless offers professional
services-based assistance to OEMs with the testing and certification
process, if required.
Important notice
Because of the nature of wireless communications, transmission and
reception of data can never be guaranteed. Data may be delayed,
corrupted (i.e., have errors) or be totally lost. Although significant
delays or losses of data are rare when wireless devices such as the
Sierra Wireless modem are used in a normal manner with a well-
constructed network, the Sierra Wireless modem should not be used
in situations where failure to transmit or receive data could result in
damage of any kind to the user or any other party, including but not
limited to personal injury, death, or loss of property. Sierra Wireless
and its affiliates accept no responsibility for damages of any kind
resulting from delays or errors in data transmitted or received using
the Sierra Wireless modem, or for failure of the Sierra Wireless
modem to transmit or receive such data.
Safety and hazards
Do not operate your EM7655 modem:
In areas where blasting is in progress