Note: All panel styles have either S110 or S310
style termination posts. All are designed for use
with a standard 110 type punch-down tool
HD5 & HD6 Series Wall & Rack Mount Patch Panel Instructions
Rack Mount Style Panels
Vertical Wall Mount Style Panels
Mount Panel
Mount S89D bracket with screws (not
included) suitable for mounting
surface being used.
Temporarily snap on vertical panel
with termination side out to allow for
easier cable termination.
Rack Mount
Wall Mount
Route Cables (For ease of installation)
Route half of the
cables to each side of
Route cables such
that they feed into
center of connecting
Using the #12-24 machine
screws and washers provided,
mount the panel to the desired
location on a 19” equipment
rack or equivalent.
Strip a minimum of 50mm (2 in.)
of cable jacket using Siemon
tool (p/n: CPT-RGTP)
or equivalent.
Prep cable
Lace conductors
S310 style
S110 style
Arrange pairs in accordance with the desired wire scheme as
detailed on the color coded sticker provided. Lace conductors
by pressing firmly into position from both sides of lacing post.
Tip: Begin lacing on side of panel where cables feed from to avoid
cable bundle interference.
Required Tools:
- Jacket stripper
- Phillips screw driver.
- Cable cutters
- 110 punch tool
Optional Tools:
- Multipair 110 punch
tool (for S110 style
terminations only).
19” Flat & Angled Rack Mount
Style Panels
Vertical Wall
Mount Style
See cross-reference to outlet pin #’s on bottom of back page.