TC45 TC45 JAVA User's Guide
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TC45_JAVA User's Guide_V02
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8 Over The Air Provisioning (OTAP)
8.1 Introduction to OTAP
OTA (Over The Air) Provisioning of Java Applications is a common practice in the Java
world. OTAP describes mechanism to install, update and delete Java applications over the
air. Normally this means that a user controls this mechanisms by interaction (keys, display)
with the Java device, e.g. as described in the MIDP specification
). The TC45 product currently
implements the IMP1.0 which is based on MIDP1.0, so the OTAP procedure is currently also
based on the MIDP1.0 recommended practice for Over The Air Application Provisioning.
The OTAP mechanism described in this document does not require any physical user
interaction with the device; it can be fully controlled over the air interface. Therefore it is
suitable for Java devices that are not supposed to have any manual interaction like vending
machines or electricity meters.
8.2 OTAP overview
To use OTAP, the developer needs, apart from the device fitted with the TC45 module, an
http server, which is reachable through a TCP/IP connection either over GPRS or CSD, and
a SMS sender, which can send Class1, PID $7d short messages. This is the PID reserved
for module’s data download.
Java Application Server
(HTTP Server)
.jar file
.jad file
Device containing TC45
.jad file
.jar file
OTAP Controller
(SMS Sender)
s1, P
id $7
Figure 12: OTAP Overview
The Java Application Server (http Server) contains the .jar and the .jad file, which are to be
loaded on the device. Access to these files can be protected by http basic authentication.
The OTAP Controller (SMS Sender) controls the OTAP operations. It sends SMs, with or
without additional parameters, to the devices that are to be operated. These devices then try
to contact the http server and download new application data from it. The OTAP Controller
will not get any response about the result of the operation. Optionally the server might get a
result response through http.
There are two types of OTAP operations:
Install/Update: A new JAR and JAD file are downloaded and installed.
Delete: A complete application (.jar, .jad, all application data and its directory) is deleted.