Building Technologies
Bus operator unit RMZ792
HVAC Products
6 “Commissioning” menu
Main menu > Commissioning > Device list > Sort list
Operating line
Factory setting
Sort automatically by
Device addresses /
Device names
Sort manually
The device list can be sorted either manually or automatically according to predefined
criteria. The sorting process is started via operating line
Sort automatically
and can be
performed by
Device address
Device name
The device list can be manually sorted on the following submenu.
Main menu > Commissioning > Device list > Sort list > Sort manually
Operating line
Factory setting
Device address name 1
Device address name n
After selection of a device, its current position on the device list is displayed. By adjust-
ing the value, the respective device can be shifted to the required position. The position
of each device on the device list can be freely selected (1 = beginning of list, 150 = end
of list). The positions of the other devices will then automatically be changed; the list
does not permit any gaps. If the required position lies behind the current end of the list,
the device will be placed in the last position.
6.3.3 Submenu
Assignment of easy-to-understand and self-explanatory names to the devices.
Main menu > Commissioning > Device list > Name devices
Operating line
Factory setting
Device address name 1
Max. 20 characters
Device address name n
Max. 20 characters
The devices on the device list can be assigned a freely selectable name. When creat-
ing the device list and when adding devices, the local device name – if available – will
be adopted by the device list. The name of the selected device can be overwritten. The
name change only affects the device list on the bus operator unit; the local name of the
device will be maintained. A device name can comprise a maximum of 20 characters.
A device name also appears on the bus operator unit:
As the title of the main menu of a bus user
For orientation purposes if, during navigation in a device’s menu tree, the INFO
button is pressed
On the menu and info pages for fault indication
Operating lines
Operating lines
Operating lines