SWT 3000 is usually operated as peer to peer communication with symmetrical configuration on both, local
and remote devices. But it is also possible to support multi-point command communications. For T-scheme
feature, the teleprotection commands can be transmitted to different directions or repeated to next link over
two digital line interfaces (LID-1/2). The terminal devices and T-devices could have asymmetric configurations
and HW assembly (for example, different number of IFC modules).
In the case of T-device, both LID interfaces will set to primary connection, and no secondary or redundancy
path is available.
T-scheme is supported in mode 5D with free allocation only.
Transmit command to different directions
For example if T-scheme is enabled:
Device sends command 1..8 to remote device at left direction
Device sends command 9..16 to remote device at right direction
[sc_transmit_command_to_different_directions, 1, --_--]
The commands ca be transmitted to left, right or both directions. It is configured in PowerSys > SWT 3000 >
Configuration > Output Allocation.
Repeat command
For example if T-scheme is enabled in middle device 2:
Device 1 sends command 1..8 to device 2
Device 1 sends command 9..16 to device 3. The commands are repeated from link 1 to link 2.
Functional Description
2.16 T-Scheme
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020