Tele Protection Over Packet TPoP
The legacy infrastructures based on SDH/PDH are being migrated to packet-based networks (for example,
MPLS-TP). One method is to convert and tunnel Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) traffic (such as E1/T1) over
MPLS labeled frames. The transmitted data are formed into packets when entering in a network and regener-
ated to original TDM traffic when leaving the network. This method adds fixed packetization delay of 1 ms to 5
ms. If the packet size is too small, the packet header overhead is increased and the network bandwidth is
reduced. The other method is mapping the payload to Ethernet packet directly, therefore, this method reduces
the packetization delay and required network bandwidth. This method is realized in TPoP (TeleProtection over
Packet) protocol of the SWT 3000 device.
The following figure shows all supported transmission paths in standalone SWT 3000. In addition to existing
analog and digital transmission lines, a new Ethernet transmission line is available.
[DwNewEth-27032014-1, 1, --_--]
Figure 2-23
New Ethernet Line Interface
Copper Line
Copper Line
Fiber optic
Fiber optic
Binary Input (BI)
Binary Input (BI)
Binary Output (BO)
Binary Output (BO)
Multi-protocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) is a mechanism in high-performance telecommuni-
cation networks that forwards data from one network node to next based on short path labels rather than
long network addresses, avoiding lookups in a routing table. A label is assigned based on the destination IP
address or a QoS parameter (for example ToS/DSCP in IP Header or CoS (Class of Service) in IEEE 802.1Q
tagged Ethernet frame).
MPLS-TP enables a network service provider to guarantee network latency and service quality. So the protec-
tion command packets are forwarded as fast as possible. An SWT 3000 device for example, can connect to
MPLS-TP enabled network as shown in the following figure, and SWT 3000 can communicate only to one
remote end SWT 3000 at the same time with the predefined peer IP address.
The TPoP is available only in SWT 3000 standalone.
Functional Description
2.12 Tele Protection Over Packet TPoP
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020