SWTStraps for Jumper Settings
The program SWTStraps can be used as a graphical utility to find the correct jumper settings for the SWT 3000
modules. The program is supplied with the PowerSys DVD in folder \Utilities. Unlike former program versions
the recent versions of the SWTStraps utility (e.g. v00.70.00 and higher) cannot run directly from DVD
anymore. The program has to be installed on the PC by execution of the setup file in DVD folder : \Utilities
\SWTStraps. The Setup Wizard leads you through the installation process. With installation of the SWTStraps
program a shortcut in the Programs folder and a desktop icon are created.
SWTStraps Input Form
With program start the SWTStraps Start Window is opened. You can either chose to load a new Input Form by
click on <New Configuration> or to open a earlier saved configuration by <Load Configuration>.
[scstrasw-010813-01.tif, 1, en_US]
Figure 5-54
The SWTStraps start window
With selection of <New Configuration> a blank Input Form is opened. Earlier saved configuration inputs can
be uploaded via the <Load Configuration> button.
With the blank input form the standard modules of an (i)SWT 3000 are displayed with their configurable
parameters for the straps settings: IFC, PU4/DLE and ALR. Fill all parameters for the modules according to the
requirements of your SWT 3000 system.
Unsupported features or hardware of PowerLink 50 are not blocked in SWTStraps.
PowerSys and Auxiliary Software Tools
5.7 SWTStraps for Jumper Settings
Smart Communication, SWT 3000 Teleprotection, Equipment Manual
C53000-G6040-C605-1, Edition 03.2020