Weighing Functions
2 to 98: 2 to 98 weighing procedures are not checked for tolerance deviations
99: No tolerance deviation checking
A weighing procedure with a tolerance check is called control weighing. The
following behavior is the result of conjunction with the activated proportional-action
A new control weighing is run if another correction of the controller is required.
A correction is required if the set-actual deviation is greater than the Controller
optimum plus/minus or than the tolerance definitions range TO1 or TU1.
5.16.27 DR 23 - Pulse duration in pulse dosing
If the automatic post dosing in pulse dosing operation is defined, this parameter
can be used to define the fine signal pulse duration. The pause time is then made
up of the minimum time value at stand-still 2 and from the waiting for meeting
conditions for stand-still 2.
Image 5-12
Automatic post dosing with tolerance TU1
5.16.28 DR 23 - Controller behaviour with dosage fault
If used with parameters Fine weight, Inhibition times, Trailing
If a technology error occurs during the weighing procedure this parameter can
define how the proportional controller or the fine-time-controller should act –
limiting the control in this case only or reset the parameter to the original value.