IO-Link 3SU14
12.2 Electronic modules for ID key-operated switches
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
Operating principle of the command point with ID key-operated switch
The ID key-operated switch is used primarily to set the current key position by rotation. To
set the current key position, the rotary knob of the ID key-operated switch is turned clockwise
or counter-clockwise. There is an opening in the rotary knob into which the ID key is
inserted. Actuation is only possible if a valid ID key has been recognized, and the
authorization level of the relevant ID key corresponds to, or is higher than, the current key
position. The rotary knob can be turned clockwise and counter-clockwise through 360° in
45-degree steps.
The switch position delay is started and the temporary key position is incremented by turning
The temporary key position is indicated by the illuminated surfaces in the ID key-operated
switch flashing green. During the switch position delay, the temporary key position can be
changed by turning the knob clockwise or counter-clockwise. The switch position delay is
restarted by turning the knob clockwise. During the switch position delay, the outputs are not
yet affected by the temporary key position. After the delay has expired, the temporary key
position is adopted as the current key position, and the outputs are switched in accordance
with this position.
By turning counter-clockwise, the current key position is changed to 0, and the outputs are
switched immediately in accordance with this position.
In a configuration with electronic module for ID key-operated switches for IO-Link, the
parameters can be set via IO-Link.
You will find additional information in Chapter "Configuring IO-Link (Page 303)".