2.2 Merging Unit
SIPROTEC, 6MU805, Manual
C53000-G1140-C380-5, Release date 06.2018
Merging Unit
The MU device 6MU805 fulfils to merge and synchronize currents and voltages in IEC61850-9-2 telegram ac-
cording to IEC61869-9 modi (F4000S1I4U4, F4000S2I4U4, F4800S1I4U4, F4800S2I4U4) and distribute tele-
grams via 2 optical Ethernet Interfaces.
The device supports the following main functions:
• Acquisition and merging multi-channel data
• Sample Value Synchronization
• Sample Value Transmission
Figure 2-3
Basic Design of 6MU805