The EXTCALL command can be used to access files on a local drive, USB data carriers or
network drives from a part program.
The programmer can set the source directory with the setting data SD $SC42700
EXT_PROG_PATH and then specify the file name of the subprogram to be loaded with the
EXTCALL command.
Supplementary conditions
The following supplementary conditions must be taken into account with EXTCALL calls:
● You can only call files with the MPF or SPF extension via EXTCALL from a network drive.
● The files and paths must comply with the NCK naming conventions (max. 25 characters for
the name, 3 characters for the identifier).
● A program is found on a network drive with the EXTCALL command if
– with SD $SC42700 EXT_PROG_PATH the search path refers to the network drive or a
directory contained on the network drive. The program must be stored directly on that
level, no subdirectories are searched.
– without SD $SC42700 the correct location of the program is specified in the EXTCALL
call itself by means of a fully qualified path that can also point to a subdirectory of the
network drive.
● For programs that were generated on external storage media (Windows system) observe
upper- and lower-case syntax.
Maximum path length for EXTCALL
The path length must not exceed 112 characters. The path comprises the contents of the
setting data (SD $SC42700) and the path data for EXTCALL call from the part program.
Examples of EXTCALL calls
The setting data can be used to perform a targeted search for the program.
● Call of USB drive on TCU (USB storage device on interface X203), if SD42700 is empty: e.g.
- OR -
Call of USB drive on TCU (USB storage device on interface X203), if SD42700 "//TCU/
TCU1 /X203 ,1" contains: EXTCALL "TEST.SPF"
● Call of the USB front connection (USB-FlashDrive), if SD $SC 42700 is empty: e.g.
- OR -
Call of USB front connection (USB-FlashDrive), if SD42700 "//ACTTCU/FRONT,1"
contains: EXTCALL "TEST.SPF"
Managing programs
Operating Manual, 06/2019, A5E44903486B AB