Licensing after replacing the system CompactFlash Card
The license key of the SINUMERIK 828D is linked with the system CompactFlash Card. If the
system CompactFlash Card is replaced for a SINUMERIK 828D, the license key loses its
validity and the system is only ready with some significant restrictions.
This situation can occur for a defective hardware of the system CompactFlash Card.
Validity of the license key
The following data are required in order to obtain a valid license key after replacing the system
CompactFlash Card: the serial number of the defective and the new CompactFlash card.
Only empty CompactFlash cards that have been released as replacement part can be used.
Only these CompactFlash cards are known in the licensing database.
In order to obtain a valid license key for the new, empty CompactFlash Card, contact the
SINUMERIK Hotline specifying the serial numbers of the two CompactFlash cards. The hotline
will immediately provide you with a new license key.
This is how you license a CNC option
You require at least one authorization to set or reset a CNC option:
Access level 1 (password: Manufacturer).
Licensing CNC options
If an additional CNC option is to be activated at a SINUMERIK 828D, then this CNC option
must be licensed at the machine and is only valid for this CompactFlash Card.
Service cases - software
3.6 Licensing
Software and hardware
Service Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5397-5DP40-6BA1