A2: Various NC/PLC interface signals and functions
1.3 Functions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Screen settings
Contrast, monitor type, foreground language, and display resolution to take effect after system startup can be set
in the operator panel front machine data.
MD9000 $MM_LCD_CONTRAST (contrast)
For slimline operator panel fronts with a monochrome LCD, the contrast to be applied following system startup
can be set.
There are 16 different contrast settings (0: dark, 15: light).
Monitor type
MD9001 $MM_DISPLAY_TYPE (monitor type)
Indicate the relevant monitor type for optimum color matching.
Foreground language
MD9003 $MM_FIRST_LANGUAGE (foreground language)
In the case of SINUMERIK 840D sl, 2 languages are available simultaneously. The foreground language can be
used to set the language to be displayed following control ramp-up.
The language can be changed in the DIAGNOSTICS operating area on the HMI user interface. Once the control
has ramped up, the foreground language will be restored.
Display resolution
MD9004 $MM_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION (display resolution)
The number of places after the decimal point for the position display of the axes is defined in the display
resolution. The position display consists of max. 12 characters including sign and decimal point. The number of
digits after the decimal point can be set to between 0 and 5.
The default setting for the number of digits after the decimal point is 3, corresponding to a display resolution of
10–3 [mm] or [degrees].