K1: Mode group, channel, program operation, reset response
9.8 Block search Type 5 SERUPRO
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Implicit preprocessing stop
Situations in which interpreter issues an implicit preprocessing stop:
1. In all blocks in which one of the following variable access operations occurs: -Programming of a system
variable beginning with $A...
-Redefined variable with attribute SYNR/SYNRW
2. On the following part program commands:
-Part program command MEACALC, MEASURE
-Programming of SUPA (suppress frames and online offsets)
-Programming of CTABDEF (start of curve table definition)
-Part program command WRITE/DELETE (write/delete file)
-Before the first WRITE/DELETE command in a sequence of such commands
-Part program command EXTCALL
-Part program command GETSELT, GETEXET
-Tool change and active fine tool offset FTOCON
3. On the following commands executions:
-Finishing of Type 1 search ("Search without calculation") and
Type 2 search with calculation ("Search at contour end point")
Note: Type 2 search "Block search at contour start point" has the same behavior.
SPOS in target block
If a spindle is programmed with M3/M4 and the target block contains an SPOS command, the spindle is switched
over to SPOS on completion of the SERUPRO process (search target located). This is indicated on the VDI
Behavior during POWER ON, mode change and RESET
SERUPRO is inactive during POWER ON. The mode change is permitted during SERUPRO. RESET will cancel
SERUPRO and deselects the internally selected program test. SERUPRO cannot be combined with other block
search types.