H2: Auxiliary function outputs to PLC
8.13 Block-search response
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Block-search response
Auxiliary function output during type 1, 2, and 4 block searches
Output behavior
In the case of type 1, 2, and 4 block searches, the auxiliary functions are collected on the basis of specific
groups. The last auxiliary function in each auxiliary function group is output after NC-START in a separate part
program block before the actual reentry block, and has the following output behavior:
• Output duration of one OB1 cycle (normal acknowledgment)
• Output prior to motion
Output control
Whether or not the auxiliary function is output to the PLC after a block search can be configured via bit 8 of the
machine data:
(output behavior of predefined auxiliary functions)
where <n> = system function index (0 ... 32)
(output behavior of user-defined auxiliary functions)
where <n> = auxiliary function index (0 ... 254)
(output behavior of the auxiliary functions in a group)
where <n> = group index (0 ... 63)
This behavior does not affect the display and does not affect variables $AC_AUXFU_STATE[<n>],
$AC_AUXFU_VALUE[<n>], and $AC_AUXFU_EXT[<n>].
The auxiliary functions are always regarded as collected after a block search, even though they are not output to
the PLC.
During collection, an auxiliary function that is not output after a block search also overwrites an auxiliary function
whose bit 8 is not set.
Output during type 1, 2, and 4 block searches
No output during type 1, 2, and 4 block searches