Z1: NC/PLC interface signals
19.1 Various interface signals and functions (A2)
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
1. Changing over from position measuring system 1 to positioning measuring system 2 (and vice
If the axis in both position measuring systems was referenced and the limit frequency of the
measured value encoder has not been exceeded in the meantime (i.e.
DB31, ... DBX60.4 and 60.5 (referenced/synchronized 1 and 2) has signal state 1,
then after the changeover, a reference point approach does not have to be repeated.
On switchover, the current difference between position measuring system 1 and 2 is traversed
With the machine data:
MD36500 $MA_ENC_CHANGE_TOL (maximum tolerance on position actual value changeover)
a tolerance bandwidth can be entered - the deviation between the two actual values may lie
within this bandwidth when changing over.
If the actual value difference is greater than the tolerance, a switchover between the two
systems does not take place and alarm 25100 "Measuring system switchover" not possible is
2. Parking axis (i.e. no PMS is active):
If the encoder has to be removed - e.g. if a rotary table has to be removed from the machine -
the position measuring system monitoring is switched off in the parking position.
The mounted axis/spindle encoder turns so quickly in certain applications that it can no longer
maintain its electrical characteristics (edge rate-of-rise, etc.).
3. Switch-off measuring system:
When measuring system 1 or 2 is switched off the associated interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX60.4/60.5 (referenced/synchronized 1/2)
is reset.
4. Reference point approach:
Reference point approach of the axis is executed with the selected position measuring system.
Every PMS must be separately referenced.
Special cases,
errors, ....
If the state "parking axis" is active, the interface signal:
DB31, ... DBX60.4/60.5 (referenced/synchronized 1/2)
is ignored at NC start for this axis.
Corresponding to ...
DB31, ... DBX60.4 (referenced / synchronized 1)
DB31, ... DBX60.5 (referenced / synchronized 2)
DB31, ... DBX61.6 (speed controller active)
DB31, ... DBX2.1 (controller enable)
MD36500 $MA_ENC_CHANGE_TOL (Max. tolerance on position actual value switchover)
MD30200 $MA_NUM_ENCS (number of encoders)
Additional references /FB1/ Function Manual Basic Functions; Speeds, Set-Actual Value System, Control (G2)
DB31, ...
Controller enable
Edge evaluation: No
Signal(s) updated: Cyclic
Signal state 1
The position control loop of the axis/spindle is closed; the axis/spindle is in closedloop control.
DB31, ...
DBX1.5 - DBX1.6
Position measuring system 1 (PMS1) / Position measuring system 2 (PMS2)