P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Call example
13.13.18 FC 10: AL_MSG error and operating messages
FC AL_MSG evaluates the signals entered in DB 2 and displays them as incoming and outgoing error and
operational messages on the HMI.
The incoming signals (positive edge) are displayed immediately in the case of both error and operational
Outgoing signals (negative edge) are only canceled immediately in the case of operating messages. Error
messages remain stored on the HMI - even if the signals no longer exist - until the "acknowledge" parameter is
issued, WCS.e. until the user acknowledges the messages.
The "ToUserIF" parameter can be used to transfer the group signals for the feed, read and NC start disabling
signals and feed stop signal to the existing axis, spindle and channel interfaces. The group signals are
transferred to the user interface directly from the status information in DB 2 irrespective of an interrupt
1. If parameter "ToUserIF": is set to FALSE, signals are not transferred to the user interface. In this case, the
user must take measures in his PLC program to ensure that these signals are influenced in the interface.
2. If parameter "ToUserIF": is set to TRUE, all signals listed above are sent to the user interface as a group
signal in each case. The user PLC program can, therefore, influence these signals only via DB 2 in connection
with a message or interrupt output. The appropriate information is overwritten in the user interface.
As an alternative to the procedure described under paragraph 2, the user can influence the disable and stop
signals without a message output by applying a disable or stop signal state to the interface signals after FC
AL_MSG has been called.
The following program illustrates this method:
//Start an asynchronous subprogram
//in channel 1 interrupt number 1
Start :=
I 45.7,
ChanNo :=
IntNo :=
Active :=
M 204.0,
Done :=
Error :=
M 204.4,
StartErr :=
M 204.5,
Ref :=
MW 200);
CALL FC 10 (
ToUserIF :=
Ack :=
I 6.1);
u m 50.0;
//Feed disable for channel 1