P3: Basic PLC Program for SINUMERIK 840D sl
13.13 Block descriptions
Basic Functions
Function Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
Call example
13.13.16 FC 8: TM_TRANS transfer block for tool management
The user calls this block FC TM-TRANS when the position of the tool or the status of the transfer operation
changes. The parameter "TaskIdent" specifies the transfer job for the block FC 8 at the tool management
• For loading/unloading positions,
• For spindle change positions,
• For revolver change positions as transfer identifier
• Asynchronous transfer
• Asynchronous transfer with location reservation
The interface number is indicated in parameter "TaskIdentNo".
Example for loading point 5:
Parameter "TaskIdent":= 1 and "TaskIdentNo":= 5.
Furthermore, the current tool positions and status data (list of "Status" parameter in the following text) are also
transmitted for this transfer function.
In the case of a transfer without a socalled "old tool" (e.g. on loading), the value 0 is assigned to parameters
"OldToolMag", "OldToolLoc".
//Tool-management transfer block
//for Revolver
Start :=
m 20.5,
//Start := "1 " => transfer trigger
ChgdRevNo :=
DB61.DBB 1,
Ready :=
m 20.6,
Error :=
DB61.DBW 12);
u m 20.6;
//Poll ready
r m 20.5;
//Reset start
spb m001;
//Jumps, if everything OK
l db61.dbw 12;
//Error information
ow w#16#0;
//Evaluate error
JC error;
//Jumps to troubleshooting, if <> 0
// Start of another program
r m 20.5;
//Reset start, if an error has occurred
FC8 informs the NCK of the current positions of the old tool.
The NCK knows where the old and the new tool have been located until the position change.