Station control system
System Manual, 07/2009, C79000-G8976-C178-07
Station TIM
WAN interface of a TIM set to the "station" function. Use in stations.
Status message
A status message is a process status (for example pump on, valve open) or alarm (for
example limit value exceeded). This is binary information with the possible values 0 or 1.
Eight status messages are put together to form one byte.
(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)
Network protocols for connecting two computers in the Internet. IP is the basic protocol. UDP
is based on IP and sends individual packets. These can arrive at the recipient in a different
order from the order in which they were sent - they can even be lost. TCP is used to make
the connection reliable and makes sure, for example, that data packets are passed on to the
application in the correct order. In addition to the IP addresses, UDP and TCP also involve
port numbers between 1 and 65535 with which the various services can be distinguished.
On a Windows PC, the WINSOCK.DLL (or WSOCK32.DLL) is responsible for handling the
two protocols.
(Telecontrol Interface Module)
The TIM transmission processor is a communications module that handles all data
transmission functions provided by the SINAUT system independently. Depending on the
type, the TIM has one or two WAN interfaces, an MPI interface or an Ethernet interface.
Depending on the requirements, a variety of transmission equipment can be connected. The
module is supplied in an S7-300 housing.
The TIM is available in two basic variants:
TIM 4R / TIM 4RD with MPI port both for installation as a CP in an S7-300 and as a
stand-alone device for connection over MPI to one or more S7-400 and S7-300 PLCs.
The TIM 4R / TIM 4RD has two WAN ports via serial interfaces for external modems. The
two WANs can be identical or different, for example dedicated line plus telephone
The TIM 4 series also includes the older modules TIM 42/42D, TIM 43/43D, TIM 44/44D
and TIM 4V/4VD, see release 05/2007 of the manual
Ethernet TIM
TIM 3V-IE variants with two WAN attachments: An RS-232 port and an RJ-45
Ethernet port, only for installation as a CP in S7-300. With the TIM 3V-IE, SINAUT