Options and spare parts
B.1 Options
SINAMICS V20 Inverter
Operating Instructions, 07/2012, A5E03728167
To clone saved parameter settings from one inverter to another, a Parameter Loader or
BOP Interface Module is required. For detailed information about clone steps with the
selected option, see the data transferring steps described in respective sections (Appendix
B.1.1 or B.1.2).
During parameter cloning, make sure you either connect the PE terminal to earth or
observe ESD protective measures.
MMC / SD card socket
The Parameter Loader contains an MMC/ SD card socket which is connected directly to the
expansion port on the inverter.
Battery power supply
In addition to the memory card interface, the Parameter Loader can hold two AA batteries
which allow the inverter to be powered directly from this option module when the mains
power is not available. If the inverter can be supplied from the mains power, it is not
necessary to power the Parameter Loader from the batteries.
DC 5 V power supply socket
The Parameter Loader contains a DC 5 V power supply socket for connection to an external
DC power supply. When mains power is not available to the inverter, it is possible to power
the Parameter Loader from this DC supply rather than using batteries.
Fitting the Parameter Loader to the inverter