The actual intervals at which maintenance procedures are to be performed depend on the
environmental and operating conditions. Define maintenance intervals that reflect your plant-
specific environmental and operating conditions and meet your availability requirements. When
doing so, take the prescribed maintenance intervals into consideration, as well as the
instructions for repairing and replacing installed components.
Siemens offers its customers support in the form of a service contract. For further details,
contact your regional office or sales office.
Inform the manufacturer about each maintenance job that has been carried out and about each
spare part replacement for the purposes of a reliability analysis.
Grounding the system
Electric shock even after shutdown
High voltages can still be present even after shutdown. Touching the device can result in death
or serious injury.
● Only work on the power unit if it has been sufficiently grounded. Before touching the device,
carefully ensure that the power unit is in a no-voltage condition:
● Always observe the five safety rules (Page 15) when carrying out any work on the device.
Grounding with a grounding device
Use a three-pole grounding harness for fixed ball points to ground the system. When ordering
a grounding harness, contact Service & Support.
Use a sufficient number of grounding harnesses corresponding to the configuration. A
grounding harness is required for each three-phase system.
9.2 Grounding the system
SINAMICS SM150 6SL3810-7NN38-0AA1
Operating Instructions Rev.201910281406 EXAMPLE