Tripping of the circuit-breaker in case of undervoltage
If a serious fault occurs (e.g. overload in the DC link), the drive is immediately disconnected
from the power supply using the safety shutdown function.
Danger to life as a result of residual voltages at the output terminals
This function cannot ensure that the drive stops immediately, nor can it ensure that residual
voltages do not still exist at the output terminals and within the device itself.
High voltages can cause death or serious injury if the safety rules are not observed or if the
equipment is handled incorrectly.
● Always carefully observe the "five safety rules (Page 15)".
The shutdown of the circuit-breaker is triggered by a safety contactor combination.
The plant-side circuit-breaker must be equipped with an undervoltage trip to ensure the wire-
break protection for the circuit-breaker OFF command. If a circuit-breaker OFF command is
issued as a result of an overvoltage trip, the circuit-breaker is switched off so that it is fail-safe.
DC-link short-circuiter
The short-circuiter is triggered if an overvoltage occurs due to a serious fault and it cannot be
brought under control by opening the circuit-breaker and unlocking the pulse block of the
When the short-circuiter thyristors are triggered, the circuit-breaker is always deactivated.
Once the thyristors have been triggered, an acknowledgement signal is output to the closed-
loop control system. Fiber-optic conductors are used to control gating of the thyristors and the
acknowledgement signals.
The short-circuiter is triggered by the Power Stack Adapter.
The resistors absorb the energy stored in the DC link and limit the current. In the event of false
tripping, the torque surge for the machine, which is still rotating, is limited by the resistors.
Danger to life as a result of a defective short-circuiter
If the short-circuiter is defective, this can significantly increase the discharge time. High
voltages cause death or serious injury if the safety instructions are not observed or if the
equipment is handled improperly.
● Never use force to open the doors while the DC-link capacitors are discharging.
● Always observe the five safety rules (Page 15).
8.5 Functions
SINAMICS SM150 6SL3810-7NN38-0AA1
Operating Instructions Rev.201910281406 EXAMPLE