SINAMICS G120 CU250S-2 Control Units
List Manual, 09/2017, A5E33842890
3 Function diagrams
3.19 U/f control, Standard Drive Control (p0096 = 1)
U/f control, Standard Drive Control (p0096 = 1)
Function diagrams
6850 – U/f control, overview (p0096 = 1)
6851 – U/f control, characteristic and voltage boost (p0096 = 1)
6853 – U/f control, resonance damping and slip compensation (p0096 = 1)
6854 – U/f control, Vdc_max controller and Vdc_min controller (p0096 = 1)
6856 – U/f control, interface to the Power Module (ASM, p0300 = 1, p0096 = 1)