Advanced commissioning
6.21 Monitoring the driven load
Converter with the control units CU240D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.9 SP10, A5E34262100B AF
Parameter Description
Alarm A07012
The inverter does not reduce the current limit.
Alarm A07012 and fault F07011
The inverter does not reduce the current limit.
Alarm A07012 and fault F07011
The inverter does not reduce the current limit.
12: Alarm A07012 and fault F07011
The inverter does not reduce the current limit.
After switching off the supply voltage, the inverter saves the most-recently calcu-
lated difference to the ambient air temperature. After switching the supply voltage
on again, the thermal motor model starts with 90 % of the previously saved differ-
ence temperature.
Mot_temp_mod activation
After selecting an encoderless
synchronous motor 1FK7 or
1FG1 (p0300) or a listed
induction motor (p0301) dur-
ing the commissioning, the
inverter sets thermal motor
model 3 and the parameters
to values appropriate for the
motor type.
The parameters are write-
protected for listed motors
.02 1 signal: Activate motor temperature model 3 for
1FK7 or 1FG1 encoderless synchronous motors
Mot_temp_mod 1/3 alarm threshold (factory setting:
110.0° C)
Motor temperature > p5390 ⇒ alarm A07012.
Mot_temp_mod 1/3 fault threshold (factory setting:
120.0° C)
Motor temperature > p5391
motor temperature > p5390, longer than a motor-
dependent time calculated by the inverter
⇒ fault F07011.
Mot_temp_mod 1/3 ambient air temperature (factory setting: 20° C)
Expected motor ambient temperature in °C for motor operation.
Motor ambient temperature during commissioning (factory setting: 20° C)
Motor ambient temperature in °C at the instant of the motor data identification.
Mot_temp_mod stator winding temperature [°C]
Current limit [A]
Further information is provided in the function charts 8016 and 8017 of the List Manual.
Thermal motor model 1 for synchronous motors
Further information about thermal motor model 1 for synchronous motors is provided in the
function charts 8016 and 8017 of the List Manual.
Monitoring the driven load
In many applications, the speed and the torque of the motor can be used to determine
whether the driven load is in an impermissible operating state. The use of an appropriate
monitoring function in the inverter prevents failures and damage to the machine or plant.