6.6 Configuring the positioning axis/synchronous axis technology object
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Position monitoring
Configuration - Positioning monitoring
In the "Positioning Monitoring" configuration window, configure the criteria for monitoring the
target position.
Positioning window:
In this field, configure the size of the positioning window. If the axis is located within this
window, then the position is considered to be "reached".
Positioning tolerance time:
In this field, configure the tolerance time, in which the position value must reach the
positioning window.
Minimum dwell time in the positioning window:
In this field, configure the minimum dwell time. The current position value must be located in
the positioning window for at least the "minimum dwell time".
If one of the criteria is violated, then the axis is stopped and a positioning alarm is displayed.
Configuration - Following error
In the "Following Error" configuration window, configure the permissible deviation of the
actual position of the axis from the setpoint position. The following error can be dynamically
adapted to the current velocity of the axis.
Enable following error monitoring
Activate this check box, if you want to enable following error monitoring. When following
error monitoring is enabled, the axis will be stopped in the error range (orange); in the
warning range an alarm will be displayed.
When following error monitoring is disabled, the configured limits have no effect.
Maximum following error:
In this field, configure the following error that is permissible at maximum velocity.
Warning level:
In this field, configure a percentage of the current following error limit, above which a
following error warning should be output.
Example: The current maximum following error is 100 mm; the warning level is configured at
90%. If the current following error exceeds a value of 90 mm, then a following error warning
will be output.