ET 200U Distributed I/O Station
EWA 4NEB 812 6087–02b
The numbers above the input fields in the “Configuration” field designate the
slots of the ET 200U (DP Siemens) slave station.
1. Assign a proper address ID to each module in the ET 200U(DP Siemens)
station (see following tables). Assign the slots in ascending order. Do not
skip any slot. If you have a slot that you are not going to use, enter “000”
as the address for that slot.
Please refer to Section 3.1 for the numbering of slots in case of a multi–tier
If you are using page addressing, note the following:
With page addressing, peripheral byte 255 is assigned for selecting the page.
You can use more than one alternatives to enter the address ID of an
ET 200U(DP Siemens) station:
as decimal number
as module code, e.g. 8DE or 1AE. COM ET 200 automatically converts
the module code into a decimal number
press <F7> (HELP) to obtain a list of all available I/O modules with ad-
dress ID. You can then select the required ID (first position the cursor in
the address ID input field).
ET 200U(DP Standard) and ET 200U(DP Siemens) use different decimal
address IDs.
DP Siemens Ad-
dress ID
ET 200U(DP Siemens): Address Assignment,Starting–Up,Diagnosing Faults Using COM ET200