Operating Instructions, 02/2019, C79000-G8976-C432-04
Depending on the interface over which the SIMATIC RF1000 readers are being operated,
programming must take place either over the USB or the RS232 interface.
Typical applications
Below you will find typical applications for using the SIMATIC RF1060R/RF1070R readers.
The applications are shown as an example using the DLL functions. They can also be
implemented with system jobs.
Cyclic reading of serial numbers
A card that is located in the antenna field is selected with the "vhl_select" function. The serial
number of the respective card is read with the "vhl_get_snr" function.
Read and write user memory
Prerequisite for reading/writing the memory areas is that the corresponding card type and
the application are stored in the reader.
A card that is located in the antenna field is selected with the "vhl_select" function. You can
read or write to a required memory area of the respective card with the functions "vhl_read" /
"vhl_write". Because there are multiple configurations (VHL files) on the reader, the desired
configuration is selected with the "VHLFile" tag.
Autonomous reading ("Autoread")
Prerequisite for autonomous reading of the memory areas is that an "Autoread" configuration
is stored in the reader. The "Autoread" configuration can be transferred to the reader using
the configuration card.
During autonomous reading you can automatically read a desired memory area of the
respective card up to 16 bytes. The "Autoread_SetMode" function switches autonomous
reading permanently or one time on or off. During autonomous reading the reader
synchronizes the card in the antenna field with the stored configurations. If a match is found,
the corresponding memory area is read and output with "Autoread_GetMessage".