XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
XML Report Tag Descriptions
Page 853
CB010 Position Detail
CB011 Std and Flx Cntr Dly Transactn
CB012 Account Statement
CB110 Account Transfer Exception
CB120 Member Exception-Positions
CB130 Give-Up Trades History
CB140 Accepted Give-Up Trades
CB150 Take-Up Trades History
CB160 Accepted Take-Up Trades
CB750 Give-Up Trades Overview
CB751 Take-Up Trades Overview
TC810 Daily Trade Confirmation
6.775 originCountryCode
This field indicates the code of the country where the order has been
entered, using the internationally accepted "origin country code" given
by ISO-3166-1-alpha-2.
alphanumeric 2
TE540 Daily Order Maintenance
TE545 Daily TES Maintenance
6.776 origMLegRptTyp
This field contains the information if the trade resulted from a single
order or a multileg order in the trading venue.
alphanumeric 5
6.777 origOrderCategory
This field contains the original order category, shows if the trade in the
trading venue is the result of an order or a quote.