XML Report Reference Manual
Version V 3.1.3
XML Report Descriptions
Page 269
CC720 Futures Spread Margin
This report shows the future spread margin per margin class and
account type that must be paid for the futures spread positions for the
delivery month and back months. Account names of flexible accounts
(additional agent accounts) are available. The total spread margin is
then used to calculate the total margin. All amounts are in the product
currency. The net positions of the delivery month and of the back
months are listed by contract and margin class within an account. The
long or short net positions of the delivery month are balanced against
the positions of back months to arrive at the Spot Month Position.
Spot Month Margin is calculated as follows:
Quantity of Spot Month Spreads * Spot Month Future Rate per contract
After balancing the Spot Month Positions, the remaining long and short
positions are balanced against the contracts from the back months
(Back Months Position).
Back Month Margin is calculated as follows:
Quantity of Back Months Spreads * Back Months Future Rate per contract
The spread margin of the delivery month and the spread margin of the
back months are then added to calculate the Total Spread Margin of
the margin class.
The report is available for EUREX/ECAG Members.
This report is available for clearing and trading members.
XML Report Structure
M/O Text Report Heading
cc720Grp, repeated 0 ... variable times:
cc720Grp1, repeated 1 ... variable times: