Installation and commissioning
2.2 Installing SINEMA RC Client
SINEMA Remote Connect - Client
Operating Instructions, 11/2017, C79000-G8976-C395-04
Click the "Browse" button if you want to change the standard target directory and install
the application somewhere else.
Select the required storage location and click the "Continue" button.
Memory requirements
If the drive does not have enough free storage space, click the "Browse" button to select
a different location for the installation.
The "System settings" dialog box opens.
Accept the changes to the system settings.
Follow the further instructions that guide you through the entire installation. This process
can take several minutes.
When it is finished, a final window is displayed for the setup. This contains a status
message about the successful installation of the SINEMA RC Client.
In the setup window, you can either restart the computer immediately or later. Select the
required option and click the "Finish" button to complete the installation.
After restarting you will find a new link "SINEMA RC Client" on your desktop and a new entry
in the Start menu "All Programs > Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > SINEMA RC Client".
In addition, the network interface "TAP Windows Adapter V9" is installed. Via this interface,
the SINEMA RC Client establishes a VPN connection to the SINEMA RC Server.