Configuration and operation
6.9 Interface in the user program
CP 443-1 Advanced (GX30)
Manual, 03/2019, C79000-G8976-C256-05
Programmed communications connections - assigning parameters to the ports
The CP now supports the following settings when assigning parameters to the ports in the
parameter block for TCP connections and UDP connections:
SUB_LOC_PORT parameter
The port can be specified as an option when the connection is established actively.
SUB_REM_PORT parameter
The port can be specified as an option when the connection is established passively.
Open TCP/IP communication
To allow the user program to exchange data with other TCP/IPcompliant communication
partners, STEP 7 provides a UDT for the connection parameter assignment and four
program blocks (FBs):
UDT 65 "TCON_PAR" with the data structure for connection parameter assignment
FB65 "TCON" for connection establishment
FB66 "TDISCON" for connection termination
FB63 "TSEND" for sending data
FB64 "TRCV" for receiving data
TCP/IP communication is connectionoriented. Data can be transmitted only when a
connection has been established to the communications partner. The CPU can use several
connections to a communications partner at the same time.
The following protocol variants are supported:
ISO on TCP according to RFC 1006
Make the following parameter settings in the connection description (UDT 65):
local_tsap_id: Byte 1 = 0xE0 (value mandatory for correct functionality)
local_tsap_id: Byte 2 = rack/slot number
remote_tsap_id: Byte 1 = 0xE0 (value mandatory for correct functionality)
remote_tsap_id: Byte 2 = rack/slot number