Technical specifications
11.8 Technical specifications
Mobile Panels 2nd Generation
Operating Instructions, 09/2018, A5E33876626-AC
Reaction times and safety characteristics for fail-safe operation
This section applies to fail-safe operation with fail-safe Mobile Panels.
Proof-test intervals
Proof-test interval of the device (Lifetime): 20 years. The device must be replaced after this,
at the latest.
Proof-test interval for safety-related operator controls dependent on the Safety Integrity Level
SIL2: Function test 1 × per year
SIL3: Function test 1 × per month
Reaction times
The table shows below the reaction times of the HMI device up to the output of the
connection box, dependent on the F-system.
For hardwired F-system: Reaction time of HMI device up to output or interface X10 of the
connection box.
For a PROFIsafe-based F-system: Reaction time of HMI device up to interface X1 of the
connection box.
Operating mode
Stop/E-stop button
evaluated by safety
E-stop button
evaluated by
Reaction time
Emergency stop / stop button
Reaction time during
error-free operation
Press switch
< 10 ms
< 15 ms
Unlock switch
< 10 ms
< 15 ms
Reaction time with
Discrepancy detected (safe state)
See Safety relay
< 15 ms
Critical internal error
< 30 ms
< 30 ms
Discrepancy time
See Safety relay
500 ms
Acknowledgment time in safety mode
< 15 ms
Reaction time during
error-free operation
No Enabling or Panic
< 15 ms
< 15 ms
< 40 ms
< 40 ms
Reaction time with
error pending
Discrepancy detected (safe state)
< 15 ms
< 15 ms
Critical internal error
< 30 ms
< 30 ms
Discrepancy time
500 ms
500 ms
Acknowledgment time in safety mode
< 15 ms