Distributed I/O Device ET 200R
General rules and regulations for operating the
ET 200R
As a component of plants or systems the ET 200R distributed I/O device requires
that special rules and regulations be adhered to based on the particular application
This section gives you an overview of the most important rules which you will need
to adhere to when you integrate your ET 200R distributed I/O device in a plant or
Specific application
Adhere to the safety and accident-prevention regulations for your specific applica-
tion (e.g., machine guidelines 89/392/EWG).
EMERGENCY-OFF routines in accordance with IEC 204 (corresponds to DIN VDE
113) must remain active in all operating modes/states of the plant or system.
24 V DC voltage
The following table shows what you must keep in mind for the 24 V DC power. .
With ...
keep in mind ...
Buildings Exterior
24 V DC power lines,
signal lines
Interior lightning
Provide lightning protection measures
(e.g., lightning protection components).
24 V DC power
Secure (electrical) isolation of the low safety voltage
(SELV/PELV in accordance with EN 60950) .
Protection against exterior electrical influences
The following table shows what you must keep in mind pertaining to protection from
electrical influences or faults.
With ...
keep in mind ...
All plants or systems in
which the ET 200R is
The plant or the system is connected to function ground to
divert electromagnetic interference.
signal and bus lines
The lines are installed correctly.
Signal and bus lines
A line or core break may not be allowed to create an undefined
state of the plant or the system.