Backing up data and series commissioning
8.6 Know-how protection
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 converter
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.7 SP10, A5E34257324B AF
Extending the exception list for know-how protection
In the factory setting, the exception list only includes the password for know-how protection.
Before activating know-how protection, you can additionally enter the adjustable parameters
in the exception list, which must still be able to be read and changed by end users – even if
know-how protection has been activated.
You do not need to change the exception list, if, with exception of the password, you do not
require additional adjustable parameters in the exception list.
Absolute know-how protection
If you remove password p7766 from the exception list, it is no longer possible to enter or
change the password for know-how protection.
You must reset the inverter to the factory settings in order to be able to gain access to the
inverter adjustable parameters. When restoring the factory settings, you lose what you have
configured in the inverter, and you must recommission the inverter.
Extending the exception list
Procedure with STARTER
Backup the inverter settings using the
button on the PC.
Go offline ( )
Using p7763, in the expert list, define the required number of parameters n (n = 1 … 500)
of the exception list.
Save the project.
Go online.
Load the project using the
button in the inverter.
In p7764[0 … n-1], assign the required parameter numbers to the indices of p7763.
You have extended the exception list for know-how protection.
KHP OEM exception list number of indices for p7764 (factory setting 1)
KHP OEM exception list (factory setting [0] 7766, [1 …499 ] 0)
p7766 is the password for know-how protection