Advanced commissioning
7.9 Setpoint calculation
SIMATIC ET 200pro FC-2 converter
Operating Instructions, 04/2018, FW V4.7 SP10, A5E34257324B AF
Invert setpoint
The converter provides an option to invert the setpoint sign using a bit. Inverting the setpoint
using a bit of control word 1 is described as example.
To invert the setpoint using a bit in control word 1, you must interconnect parameter p1113
with a signal of your choice.
Table 7- 18 Example of settings to invert the setpoint
p1113 = 2090.11 Invert setpoint via control word 1, bit 11.
Inhibit direction of rotation
In the factory setting of the inverter, both motor directions of rotation are enabled.
Set the corresponding parameter to a value = 1 to permanently block directions of rotation.
Table 7- 19 Example of settings to inhibit the direction of rotation
p1110 = 1
Inhibit negative direction
Negative direction is permanently inhibited.