Configuring and Parameterizing the CP 440
Point-to-point connection CP 440 Installation and Parameter Assignment
Parameterization Data
You can set the response of the CP 440 to CPU STOP by means of the basic
parameters. By selecting different protocols, you can adjust your CP440
communication processor to suit the communication partner.
The sections that follow describe the basic parameters of the CP 440 and the
parameterization data for the ASCII driver and for the 3964(R) procedure.
Basic Parameters of the CP 440
Enter the basic parameters in the STEP 7 HW dialog box “Properties - CP 440 ”.
Open the dialog box by double-clicking the CP 440 in the configuration table of
STEP 7. Section 5.2 tells you how to enter the basic parameters of the CP 440.
The basic parameters are described in the table below.
Table 5-2
Basic Parameters of the CP 440
Value Range
Default Value
Reaction to CPU Stop
This parameter controls
the storage of the
received frames in the
receive buffer.
You can find more
detailed information in
the following tables.
The transmission
process is terminated in
both cases. Frames are
received as described in
Tables 5-3 and 5-4.