Configuring and Parameterizing the CP 440
Point-to-point connection CP 440 Installation and Parameter Assignment
Configuring the CP 440
After the CP 440 has been installed, you must make the CP 440 known to the
programmable logic controller. This process is known as “configuration”.
CP 440 Point-to-Point Communication, Parameter Assignment
parameterization interface must be installed on the programming device/PC under
STEP 7 (see also Table 5-1).
CP 440: Point -to-Point Communication, Parameter Assignment
parameterization interface is supplied together with the function blocks and the
programming examples on a CD. Proceed as follows to install the
parameterization interface:
1. Insert the CD into the CD drive of your programming device/PC.
2. Under
Windows 95/NT or Windows 98, start the dialog for installing software by
double-clicking the “Add/Remove Programs” icon in “Control Panel”.
3. In the dialog box, select the CD drive and the Setup.exe file and start
4. Now follow the step-by-step instructions of the installation program.
In the sense used here, configuration means entering the CP 440 in the
configuration table of the STEP 7 software. In the configuration table you enter the
rack, the slot and the order number of the CP 440. STEP 7 then automatically
assigns an address to the CP 440.
The CPU is now able to find the CP 440 in its slot in the rack by way of its address.
Before you can enter the CP 440 in the configuration table of the STEP 7 software,
you must have created a project and a station using STEP 7.
Further Information
Configuration of S7-400 modules is described in detail in the
Configuring Hardware
and Communication Connections STEP 7 manual, V5.0.
In addition, STEP 7’s online help system will provide you with all the assistance
you will need when configuring an S7-400 module.