505 SoftShop for Simatic 505
4 - 505 SoftShop Setup
4 - 505 SoftShop Setup
Before you begin programming, you will probably want to spend some
time configuring and customizing the software and some of the hardware
attached to your computer. This chapter will help you with:
Program Setup
Shows you how to customize 505 SoftShop to fit
your preferences.
Communications Setup
Walks you through how to tell your computer
which port is attached to your PLC.
Printer Setup
Assists you in determining the correct settings for
your printer.
Page Setup
Allows you to configure your pages for printouts.
Fast PLC Setup
Sets up a PLC for a fast connection.
Program Setup
Program Setup reveals different sets of tabs governing your projects
layout and appearance. These settings are saved with the program; thus,
each time you open this program, you do not have to reset your