PROFIBUS data transfer
6.8 PROFIBUS profile for SENTRON circuit breakers
3WL/3VL circuit breakers with communication capability - PROFIBUS
System Manual, 03/2011, A5E01051353-02
PROFIBUS profile for SENTRON circuit breakers
The creation of shared, cross-vendor profiles for different device classes (e.g. motor starters,
measuring devices, etc.) is promoted by PROFIBUS International (PI). In the area of low-
voltage switchgear, a separate profile has been specified for circuit breakers. This forms the
basis for the shared PROFIBUS profile for the SENTRON VL and SENTRON WL circuit
breakers. The PI profile has been supplemented with the functions for diagnostics and the
DPV1 expansions.
PI profile
SENTRON WL and VL comply with PI's PROFIBUS profile for circuit breakers.
The communication profile on the PROFIBUS DP of the SENTRON circuit breakers has
been integrated into the profile for low-voltage switchgear (circuit breaker part) of PROFIBUS
International (PI) and passed there.
Both SENTRON circuit breakers thus communicate in accordance with the latest standard in
communication technology.
You can obtain the document on request from Technical Support
Cyclic data traffic
In cyclic data traffic, each message frame transfers a fixed number of user data. When
parameterizing the slave (in this case the SENTRON WL or SENTRON VL), the volume of
data to be transferred cyclically between the circuit breaker and the PLC must be
established. Cyclic data exchange is the best method of transferring information that is
required continuously and quickly. The interval between two values depends on the number
of nodes, the volume of data, and the baud rate.
Field of application
The data volume cannot be changed during operation. For this reason, exclusively cyclic
data exchange is very suitable for communication requiring only small volumes of user data.
If larger data packets have to be transferred occasionally for setting checks or maintenance
checks, cyclic data traffic is less suitable because this capacity - only occasionally required -
would have to be taken account of in each message frame, making the frames extremely
long and the transfer slower.