4.8 Communication and system integration
3VA molded case circuit breakers with UL and IEC certification
Manual, 01/2019, L1V30435333-01
Communication and system integration
System description
Communication-capable 3VA UL molded case circuit breakers are presented in this chapter.
You will learn which components the 3VA UL molded case circuit breakers need for
communication, how these components are assembled and what properties they have.
Optimum integration of the 3VA UL molded case circuit breakers in a software and
communication system yields the following advantages:
Acquisition of breaker status
Remote parameterization
Monitoring of capacity utilization
Acquisition of consumption and performance data
Local signaling via the EFB300 external function box
Local visualization of the 3VA UL molded case circuit breakers
To make use of all these functions, a COM060 communication module must be installed in
the respective 3VA UL molded case circuit breaker and connected to a COM800 breaker
data server for up to eight 3VA UL molded case circuit breakers or a COM100 breaker data
server for a single 3VA UL molded case circuit breaker.
You can find detailed information on the communication module and breaker data server and
the communication link of the molded case circuit breaker in the 3VA Communication
System Manual (
Communication system of the 3VA UL molded case circuit breaker
The following components combine with the 3VA UL molded case circuit breaker to form the
communication system:
Electronic trip unit (ETU)
COM800 / COM100 breaker data server
Optional expansion modules for three other communication networks
COM060 communication module
Draw-out unit with communication link
EFB300 external function box (EFB)
DSP800 display
Commissioning and service software: powerconfig