4.6 Motor operator
3VA molded case circuit breakers with UL and IEC certification
Manual, 01/2019, L1V30435333-01
Connection diagram for control of the motor operator MO320
An EMERGENCY OFF circuit may be implemented by means of a shunt trip or UVR
(Page 162).
For further circuit diagrams, see chapter "Circuit diagrams" (Page 385).
The motor operator MO320 is edge-controlled, i.e. it reacts only to the positive edge of an
ON or OFF command at the relevant terminals 3 and 4. In this case, the OFF signal is
dominant, i.e. the motor operator will be switched off in response to an OFF edge even if an
ON signal is applied.
The MO320 requires a pause period of 80 ms between the end of an OFF signal and the
edge of an ON signal. Since the OFF signal is dominant, it does not require a pause period.